Пенітенціарна академія України

Training “Increasing the stress resistance of employees in professional activities”

The purpose of the training is to mastering the knowledge, skills and abilities of emergency psychological assistance aimed at preventing, preserving, restoring and maintaining mental health and psychological well-being of the individual, as well as increasing the level of self-regulation, relieving emotional stress, providing support to persons affected by traumatic events

What it will be about: the training will help participants to better understand the body’s reactions to a stressful event; possible consequences of stress: physiological, emotional, behavioral; the concept of “positive stress”; techniques and methods of increasing stress resistance in professional (official) activities

For whom: for employees who, by the type of activity, face stressful and conflict situations in their professional (official) activities

Serhii Volevakha

Ph.D. in Psychology, Associate Professor, Certified Trainer under the program for training university educators to implement educational training (Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Society of Independent Experts), with 10 years of experience conducting training sessions.

formation and strengthening of mental resilience

knowledge of stress theory and ways to deal with stress

formation of psychological resilience from the point of view of positive psychology

working out exercises for training psychological resilience

working out techniques and exercises for visualizing goals, setting tasks, identifying strengths

Competencies: teamwork and interaction; effective decision-making; communication and interaction

Format: in person and online (Zoom service)

Duration: 4 hours.

Number of participants: up to 20 people

Training registration form «Increasing the stress resistance of employees in professional activities»

Пенітенціарна академія України

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